
Effective industry associations or consortia are critical to your business success, particularly where you have co-producers of the same products or share common interests. They ensure your voice is heard and understood at all levels in the legislative process. At best, they enable you to minimize your costs through sharing necessary activities and allow you to develop and maintain industry standards and reputation.

In Europe for example, the formation of SIEFs (Substance Information Exchange Forum) is a legal requirement under the REACH regulation, to facilitate data submission, avoid duplication, reduce animal testing, working through the database managed by the European Chemicals Agency. This is made easier by the early formation of industry consortia.


Working with Linmark, you will benefit from our: knowledge of how chemicals are actually made, marketed and regulated internationally; close contacts to regulatory authorities and other key stakeholders; our links to other associations around the world.

With our extensive background in forming and running consortia and associations, we can help you by:

  • Defining the objectives of the proposed consortium
  • Forming the consortium in appropriate legal form, drafting and agreeing consortium agreement among members
  • Developing and agreeing mission strategic objectives, and managing budget
  • Addressing legal issues such as Competition Law (e.g. Articles 81, 82 of European Treaty of Rome) and Anti-Trust Guidelines
  • Providing the Secretariat or Chair, as needed
  • Delivering the administration (organizing meetings, minutes, action plans)
  • Getting new joiners and downstream users on board
  • Liaising with regulatory authorities, providing advocacy as needed
  • Promoting the business interests of your sector
  • Working with non-members and cooperating with other associations on matter of joint concern
  • Ensuring the interests of the consortium are effectively represented among key stakeholders

We are equally effective in running stand-alone organizations or working within established associations.

Consortia managed by Linmark Consulting

Polyamides (PAEA) REACH Consortium

Organoclays REACH Consortium